Psalm 45:11-Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

Hello and welcome to the world that is Miss Dress Up. I'm a follower of Jesus, a Wife, Mother, YouTuber, Blogger, Facebooker and lastly but not least(ly) a make up artist in the making. Helping someone feel good about themselves,inside and out, makes me happy and I want to do that to the best of my ability. I make it a point to learn more everyday about the field of make up artistry through YouTube videos, books, magazines, other websites and anything else I can get involved in. This is an adventure I've always wanted to go on and at the ripe old age of 39 I am finally able to do that. So if you want to walk with me as I learn and grow and help others do the same you are officially invited by me right now!

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome and New Video

Hello and thanks for stopping by my new blog.  I created this blog to correspond with my YouTube channel and the videos I upload there.  When I post a new video there I will blog about it here with links, photos and more here.  My channel is mainly for make up tutorials/reviews and the like but I may throw in a "freebie" of something a little more personal now and then as well.  You'll just have to come back often to see what that might be!
Today I filmed my first ever tutorial!  There are two parts to it entitled "Kim Kardashian Smoky Eye Part 1" and so on.  (It's actually still uploading as I type)
A couple of my friends asked me to do this for them to teach them how to do a classic smoky eye look.  Tomorrow I'll write more and tell you the very "exciting" story of how I became fascinated with make up artistry and how I got started doing make up and making YouTube videos to teach others.  So pull up a chair, grab your coffee and enjoy!
Pictures of the look:
Video part 1:
Video part 2:


  1. I love watching the videos. They are so informative. I am not much into wearing makeup but she, sure makes it look easy. Ty Nicole for all of the useful info. U r beautiful with or without the makeup..Love U

  2. Thank you! I really appreciate you saying that. Love you too!
