Psalm 45:11-Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

Hello and welcome to the world that is Miss Dress Up. I'm a follower of Jesus, a Wife, Mother, YouTuber, Blogger, Facebooker and lastly but not least(ly) a make up artist in the making. Helping someone feel good about themselves,inside and out, makes me happy and I want to do that to the best of my ability. I make it a point to learn more everyday about the field of make up artistry through YouTube videos, books, magazines, other websites and anything else I can get involved in. This is an adventure I've always wanted to go on and at the ripe old age of 39 I am finally able to do that. So if you want to walk with me as I learn and grow and help others do the same you are officially invited by me right now!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Magical Lip Tricks

I've always envied those girls who have lips.  I mean I just really have no lips, never have.  So...I always search for ways to make my lips look a wee bit more like Angelina Jolie.  Ha ha.  Here's the video I filmed today on a few tips and tricks I've learned along the way to help the "lip challenged" such as myself.
Here's a brief recap of the things I go over in the video:
1. Dark colors make things look smaller and light colors highlight things or make them stand out.  To make your lips look larger use lighter, brighter colors.  
2. Line your lips with a neutral color that is a bit darker than your natural lip color.  Blend the liner toward the center of the lip but leave the actual center free of lip liner.
3. Using a shade or two lighter than your liner, fill in the lips concentrating on the centers.
4. Use either a lighter shade of lip gloss or a slightly shimmery powder such as an eyeshadow and dab this on the center of the bottom lip and on the top of the cupid's bow.
5. The eyeshadow trick will make your lips more "matte" but will also help seal the lipstick and make it stay on a wee bit longer.
I hope these tips help you achieve the lips of your dreams!  Or at least just give you a bit more confidence in the lip area...enjoy!
PS...PLEASE rate, comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and my blog.  It would really really make me happy and when I'm happy I smile and my lips disappear but with my magic lip tricks I can still see them!  WOO HOO

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