Psalm 45:11-Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

Hello and welcome to the world that is Miss Dress Up. I'm a follower of Jesus, a Wife, Mother, YouTuber, Blogger, Facebooker and lastly but not least(ly) a make up artist in the making. Helping someone feel good about themselves,inside and out, makes me happy and I want to do that to the best of my ability. I make it a point to learn more everyday about the field of make up artistry through YouTube videos, books, magazines, other websites and anything else I can get involved in. This is an adventure I've always wanted to go on and at the ripe old age of 39 I am finally able to do that. So if you want to walk with me as I learn and grow and help others do the same you are officially invited by me right now!

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Peace in my Make up part 2

Good day and thanks for stopping in to have a look see.  I have this terrible habit of forgetting to blog.  I'm trying to break it and one day I will be successful!  ;-)
As promised this is part two of my previous blog where I explained how my love for make up artistry started as a child.  This will be more about how that passion grew in the past year.  So sit back, grab your coffee (or drink of choice) and let's take a little stroll down memory lane.  Yes, my memory still serves me well most of the time.  Ahem...I'm not THAT old!  Ha.
Let's just jump right in for the sake of, well, boredom!  Last year around this time my world was turned upside down and on it's hind parts by a turn of events beyond my control.  (that's the rear for those of you wondering)  Because I feel it's un-Godly to dredge up things people have done in their past and that I have forgiven them for I won't go into the gory details.  I will just tell you it was something done by someone very close to my heart and the event, though it was horrifying and felt like the worst thing that could ever happen to me, has changed me and my family's lives for the better forever.
Before this event occurred I had spent many years just "being".  Sort of existing but not really living or pursuing very passionately anything that I loved. I had given up hope that I could ever accomplish anything I felt in my heart to do or that anyone would ever really love me for me.  It was a depression of sorts.  Quite a black and scary one at that.  I still went about my daily life and had "fun" now and then and tried to push it away but the truth was evident, I had allowed myself to be controlled by what other's thought of me, how they treated me and I had put my worth in whether or not I was loved and thought well of by humans.  I'm sure you can guess what I am going to say next.  Yes, you're right, that is a very very bad way to find yourself.  It's a sad and lonely place full of misery and darkness and despair.  Because humans will most always let you down.  They aren't capable of giving you what you need to feel the way you want to feel or of giving you exactly what it is that gives you that "I have a reason to live" feeling.  So when one puts their stock mainly in the thoughts and feelings of others about one's's always a black and terrible smelly place to live.
So, while living in this black smelly place I laid down all passion about pretty much anything at all.  Then we come to the "event" for lack of a better term.  This was the epitome of "hitting rock bottom" for me.  I fell flat on my face and saw nothing but the cold hard ground in front of my nose.  I thought I would die there.  I thought this was the end of my world as I knew it. I was very wrong!  This was actually the very beginning of life turning around and me seeing what was the truth.  I realized what I had been doing, that I had been living based on what others thought of me, and I realized that it was killing me.  My eyes opened and instead of seeing the floor in front of my nose I saw the Lord there looking in my eyes and saying "it's here. it's right here that you find your worth and it's here that you will find the most important place to get love and acceptance and if you'll allow yourself to be controlled by what I think of you and how I feel about you you will never have to live in that dark, scary, smelly place again".  And so...I did.  It's a long road to travel back from that dungeon of self and fear of what men might say/think/feel of me but it's so very very worth it.  I am still on that road.  Sometimes I'm running down it and others I'm crawling on all fours.  There are even times when I am doing the army crawl on my stomach but I'm still going forward toward the Lord and finding that I am worthy of His love because He made me to be worthy of it.  And I am loved and accepted by Him at all times.  There is never even a millisecond that goes by when He doesn't love and accept me just the way I am and is always encouraging me to keep improving for His sake.  No one else's.  Yes, we need each other.  And we need humans in our lives to love and to be loved by but they should never ever dictate our happiness, worthiness, reason for living etc based on their opinions and thoughts of us or what they think we should or shouldn't be.  If you are getting those directions from the Lord, you will always be right where you should be and can be truly happy with that.  Always!!!!!!!!
So it was there on the beginning of that road I started to crawl down last year that I started realizing,  I don't care if anyone else finds me "artsy" or not.  I don't care if anyone else think's I'm "good at make up artistry" or not.  I care that I love it and that the Lord wants me to do what He placed in my heart to love and this is one of those things.  I don't know why...but I know it is.  And so here I go, sometimes running, sometimes crawling, down the road closer and closer to the Lord's heart and further and further away from the fear of what a person (man, woman or child) might think of me or say about me.  WHO CARES I sing as I skip down that road today because today that's where I happen to the place where I can skip freely down that road toward Him who loves me cuz HE JUST DOES
** of the people involved in last year's "event" also has an amazing story to tell of their eyes being opened and their heart being changed by the Lord in a miraculous way.  Maybe I'll encourage them to tell part of that story on their own blog one's amazing!

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