Psalm 45:11-Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.

Hello and welcome to the world that is Miss Dress Up. I'm a follower of Jesus, a Wife, Mother, YouTuber, Blogger, Facebooker and lastly but not least(ly) a make up artist in the making. Helping someone feel good about themselves,inside and out, makes me happy and I want to do that to the best of my ability. I make it a point to learn more everyday about the field of make up artistry through YouTube videos, books, magazines, other websites and anything else I can get involved in. This is an adventure I've always wanted to go on and at the ripe old age of 39 I am finally able to do that. So if you want to walk with me as I learn and grow and help others do the same you are officially invited by me right now!

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Reorganize The Stash

Hello All,
  Sorry for the short pause in posts.  I filmed a tutorial last week and because it's too "long" for YouTube's liking it has to be edited.  (PLEASE subscribe to my channel there and my blog here. The more subscribers I have the closer I can get to being able to film longer tutorials.  WOO HOO!)  However...I haven't a clue how to do that.'s still sitting there needing to be edited until my Husband gets time to help me figure it out.  However, I filmed two videos today.  One tutorial and the other has to do with the title of this post.
  Up until today I have been storing my make up in two, three compartment, plastic containers frI'm om Target, a Mickey Mouse tote bag and just everywhere in between.  It was a mess at best.  I had it as organized as I could get it under those circumstances.  So last night I saw an ad for a 7 bin storage chest at a nearby wholesale store on sale for $15!  My Husband said "let's go get it" and we did.  We got two of them because, as he so lovingly informed me, my make up wouldn't fit in one.  And he was right.  I spent about three hours today organizing, cleaning, purging etc all that I have for both personal and client use.  If you'd like to see how I organized it and what those bins look like please watch this video:  And here are a couple of pictures of them:
  I'm sure at some point I will outgrow these chests but for now they are serving their purpose well and I really like how they look.  Almost Asian in design and if you know me at all you know that I LOVE ANYTHING ASIAN!  Design, food, clothes, people, language, countries etc.  LOVE.  Here's a link to the store we purchased them at:  This store has only been in my city for about 2 months and last night was my first time in there.  They have decent prices, not extremely cheap but definitely less expensive than other places you could get the same items.  And they are always having huge sales.  So I think this may be a store to frequent....we shall see.
  Well, thanks for stopping by to read my bloggie.  I hope you all have a great day and that the video can help you organize your "make up mania" at least on a small scale for now.  Love and Make Up,

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